
Most of the images on this website have been taken by Neil, our local photographer, with exceptions to the odd one from Lady Plummage.

Neil loves wandering through bracken, discovering new areas and new angles. Although as beautiful as they are, we have noticed with his bag full of impressive lenses, they seem mostly to be macro.

Photo ©Neil


‘I do like to get up and close to the subject. You never know what could be hiding behind a leaf, rock or fungi.’ Neil


Neil spends most of his time trekking around Tasmania, finding amazing locations where others would not dare venture. From icy mountain caps, to small rocky islands off the southern coast, he loves it all.

Photo ©Neil

Neil, even though hasn’t personally seen a clear sighting of a faery, keeps an open mind about them. He’s seen the odd strange shape lurking in the shrubs or a blur of something flying past, which he can’t explain. During his downtime, he quite likes collecting coins and often visits garage sales trying to find that elusive coin or vintage camera. He also loves a good meringue from Daci & Daci, Hobart. He’s been part of Lady Plummage’s team since 2019.

Lady Plummage has a certain casual style to her photos. Some would say, candid.

Photo ©Lady Plummage


‘Although, some people I have met do need a helping hand with lights and fudgery, I like to keep my images raw and natural, reflecting this unique wilderness.’ Lady Plummage


Originally, Lady Plummage used a Polaroid J33 Land camera, but then moved onto a camera phone, which she only uses for taking photos. Lady Plummage regards her privacy sacred and will visit people if she needs to talk to them.

As Lady Plummage is very busy, we’ve taken every step to make things swift and easy for her to carry out her research.


‘I’m only 3 clicks away from taking a photo. Anymore than 3 clicks is simply wasteful and very demanding.’Lady Plummage
