First look at ‘Faeries of Tasmania’ Vol 2

Lady Plummage has given us permission to upload the cover and sample spreads from Vol 2 of Faeries of Tasmania.

Following on from the success of the first book, Lady Plummage has done it again with Vol 2.

Along with the 20 new faery interviews accompanied with full colour illustrations, Lady Plummage has delved further into Edith’s life, who is featured on the cover. In Vol 1, Lady Plummage only had a light dusting of evidence about Edith and her connection to the faeries in Tasmania. Vol 2 will go deeper with more evidence brought forward by readers of the first book. With more evidence becoming available, she has managed to piece together her story, from her arrival in Hobart to her disappearance.

Vol 2 will also have an excerpt from the next publication covering Edith’s Story. We are not sure when this will be available, but please drop in from time to time to see the progress of this publication.

Vol 2 is due out this Christmas in various bookshops.

Volume 2 of Faeries of Tasmania

As you may have noticed, we have changed ‘Book 2’ to ‘Volume 2’. Lady Plummage wanted all future posts to have this change to align with her collections of faery witnesses.

As vast as Lady Plummage’s collections are, we can only fit 20 of her favourite sightings within the next volume along with the added story of Edith S Brown, which is changing all the time due to more information coming in from readers of her initial book.

Speaking of Edith, it has come to light her connection with faeries being in Tasmania, has now stalled. More information will be in Volume 2.

Even though Lady Plummage has stalled a little with regards to Edith’s involvement with the faeries, she has gathered enough information to begin writing the novel of Edith’s life. No timeline has been set for this release.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, however you celebrate the end of year, we wish you all the best and hope 2024 is full of faery fun.

We will be shutting our doors over the Christmas for a much needed break after such a busy year of researching, writing and designing.

Book 2 is nearly finished. Lady Plummage will be going over the text for the book, making sure everything is just right – we don’t want any mishaps just before it goes to print.

Book 2 update

The illustrations from Terry have been stunning. They have certainly captured the descriptions from the faery witnesses. Below are some teasers to give you a peek within the pages of book 2, due out for Christmas 2024.

Lady Plummage

Things have slowed here at Faeries of Tasmania. Lady Plummage has decided to rest for a while. She has been travelling a lot, gathering faery accounts from around Tasmania, which has taken its toll. She will take time out as we collate and organise book 2.

In the meantime here are some snippets from book 2. We know you’d like to see more, but things could change to the structure of the book as new information for both the faeries and Edith S Brown come to light.

Further research into the fae

We have just come across a great YouTube channel called ‘Hare in the Hawthorn’. If you love faeries, this is for you.

The book has reached Tik Tok

Thank you so much Avalon for the wonderful review.

Faeries of Tasmania 2 update

With the amazing reception that the first book is receiving, we are well and truly into book 2. New faeries from different locations around Tasmania, plus we are getting much more information about Edith S Brown. We won’t be able to fit everything we know about her, but we’ll certainly be having some exciting evidence.

We are also working with the Port Arthur Historic Site, with a couple of faery sightings that may be in book 2. We’ll have to see how we go for space. It could push out to a book 3 🙂

Terry is also busy translating some of the descriptions to illustrations.

It’s a busy time here at Faeries of Tasmania.