Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, however you celebrate the end of year, we wish you all the best and hope 2024 is full of faery fun.

We will be shutting our doors over the Christmas for a much needed break after such a busy year of researching, writing and designing.

Book 2 is nearly finished. Lady Plummage will be going over the text for the book, making sure everything is just right – we don’t want any mishaps just before it goes to print.

Book 2 update

The illustrations from Terry have been stunning. They have certainly captured the descriptions from the faery witnesses. Below are some teasers to give you a peek within the pages of book 2, due out for Christmas 2024.

The fairy/faery census

It doesn’t matter how you spell it, apart from the local collection of sightings by Lady Plummage, Dr Simon Young is presently organising a census of fairy sightings. He has been doing so for the last few years and the census is residing on the Faery Investigation Society website.

So, if you have encountered a faery and would like it to be part of the wider faery sighting community, you can do the survey here. All entries are anonymous.

You can also view the previous census The Fairy Census, 2014-2017

Or if you prefer, we can pass on your sightings to Dr Simon Young directly.

Map of sightings from book 1

Kindly put together by Terry.

Tasmanian exhibition

With the success of the Brisbane exhibition, we are looking to have another in our home state of Tasmania. It’ll most likely be in conjunction with the release of book 2 later next year and be bigger. We are looking at special book packages, prints, original artwork by Terry, and much more.

It’ll be a matter of finding the correct venue, which fits the world of Lady Plummage.

So much happening, and so exiting.

Book Review

It was exciting to hear Rayne Allinson & Mel Bush on ABC Radio, talking about the ‘Faeries of Tasmania’ book. It’s so nice to hear people enjoying the local book and also what is ahead with future publications.

While it’s available, you can listen to the review from ABC Hobart radio here. Move to 2:33:10 in the timeline to hear:

Edith S Brown

We have been so lucky to have readers come forward with further information on Edith S Brown, the chocolatier. You may have read about her in book 1 of Faeries of Tasmania.

Her story has grown dramatically as evidence comes to light. And, is very exciting. It appears Lady Plummage’s thoughts on her being connected to the faeries in Tasmania are correct.

Vol 2 will delve a little more into her life with diary entries and travel records that have emerged from kind readers.

Lady Plummage has acquired some more of Frears paraphernalia too.

We will let you know when it becomes available.

A2 archival prints

Since the exhibition, we have been contacted by various people wanting prints of their favourite faery from the Faeries of Tasmania book.

The A2 prints are archival and printed on 100% cotton paper using archival inks. They are packed into wide sturdy tubes, ready for shipping.

If you would like a particular faery printed, please get in touch.

Book 2 Patterns

With the new book comes new patterns. You may know from previous posts, Lady Plummage loves the artwork of William Morris. For those not familiar with his work check him out here.

His patterns are the perfect balance of fauna and flora weaving within each other to create the design that would adorn Victorian walls and textiles.

Lady Plummage instantly connected with his work and the synergy with how she saw the Tasmanian faeries in nature.

So with that in mind, Terry has taken on the daunting task with creating faery patterns in the spirit of William Morris.

Book 2 illustration

This lovely little faery (in the far right picture above) has taken on the appearance of the Spotted Begonia plant, which is also housing a small Silvereye. They appear to be spying on each other.

Book 2 for Faeries of Tasmania is coming along nicely. Some beautiful pieces are being sent to us from Terry, our illustrator on the project. You can find more about him and his other projects here or read a brief intro about him here.

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