Lutruwita, which is the
traditional land owners name given
to this beautiful state of Australia,
holds a few secrets.
Some people in Lutruwita or Tasmania, have witnessed faeries for many years. Some have been merely shadows, whilst others have had closer encounters. Up until now, the sightings have been kept to family dinners and close friends.
Lady Plummage has been collecting sightings of faeries in Tasmania for many years and is now slowly releasing her interviews, describing various faeries around the state. It has taken a while for Lady Plummage to build trust with the witnesses and for them to share their story.
During the interviews the witnesses have given faery descriptions, which have been illustrated by Terry Whidborne. Further illustrations will happen as more sightings are unearthed.
No-one really knows where they have come from or how many reside in Tasmania. They seem, as described by the witnesses, to be varied in appearance.
The original owners of this land say they are not from here. Not originally.
Along with Lady Plummage, is a small dedicated team helping her mission to show the world what others have seen on this amazing little island at the bottom of the world.